
Recommendation 2020-05-31T21:53:06+00:00

There are many personal trainers out there but none quite like Nada. She is truly a professional.

Not only does Nada carefully assess your individually needs and tailor workouts to suit your goals, she somehow knows just how hard to push to stretch your limits. She constantly motivates and inspires you with different ways to workout and she genuinely wants you to achieve your goals.

I thought I was very self motivated and did not need a personal trainer on-going to help me workout. However now, I am convinced of the benefits a trainer like Nada provides. I now workout more efficiently and effectively under Nada’s guidance and I feel fitter than ever before, thanks to Nada’s help.

Sheridan Barnett

I would like to thank you about the personal training sessions you provided.

Your service is most professional and attitude is so positive it really got me motivated to take this path as a way of life. Your method and attention to the body’s voice is impeccable. It made the back-to-training week we had a truly great experience.

I would like to let anyone who needs a personal trainer that he first needs to meet you.
You can really make a change in people from within.

Yoav Burg Wix

A really big thanks to Nadia. I started with her and I was over weight and unfit. With her positive and professional support I have lost just over 7 kilos in approximately two and a half months. I look forward to the next two months and more. I just have to get better at chin ups. Cheers Nadia

John Bowron

Recommendation for Ms. Nadia Kostovalova Cross Country Coach and Personal Trainer

To: Whom it may concern,

As Activities Director at the International School of Prague, over the past year, I have worked closely with Ms. Kostovalova. She has coached the middle school Cross Country team this year and worked as a personal trainer to many of our school community. This includes parents, faculty and also students in rehabilitation.

Ms. Kostovalova has been a true asset to our Activities program. At all times she has proven herself consistently dependable, organised and efficient. She is an individual that is highly regarded within our community. Ms. Kostovalova truly has a unique rapport with the students. Her practices are inclusive, meaningful and fun at the same time. She is soft spoken yet commands a great deal of respect from the students. Her energy and enthusiasm is remarkable and these positive traits rub off on the students.

Ms. Kostovoalova was paramount to helping our 2013 middle school boys Cross Country team win the Central Eastern European School Association (CEESA) championship title. This is a title that has eluded our school for many years. She was also key in producing our best girls team in a long time while at the same time keeping all students of all levels motivated, involved and interested.

It has been a pleasure to work with Ms. Kostovalova during her time in the Czech Republic. She is a tremendous coach and mentor for our students. I wish her every success with her future ventures. Please feel free to contact me should you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely

Joe Monks, Director of Student Activities, International School of Prague

I have been training with Nada for over a year and I have seen great results. The workouts are both physically challenging and motivating at the same time. The nature of the workout sessions is such that they are personalized and tailored to your needs while still varied. Nada is a very personable and encouraging person, which does not only keep you determined throughout the workout, but also makes time fly by. I always look forward to my next session with Nada!

Leen Wilmot

I felt like it was time to get myself in much better shape. We can all decide to join a gym, go for long walks, ride your bike but sometimes we need the incentive and encouragement to keep going! I decided to commit to a personal trainer to help me tone up and to hopefully get the inspiration and incentive to keep going to the gym on a regular basis. I joined up with Nadia and have found that inspiration and incentive. My sessions and classes with Nadia have been great! I feel great and look forward to going on a regular basis! Nadia will help you get in shape! The sessions are really worthwhile!

Kath Kummerow

Here’s the thing with Nad’a. Yes, She makes you feel better. But here’s what’s more important. She makes you different. You’ll be a different person, and you’ll carry that difference into your life. She loves what she does, and that makes her even better for the job. Nad’a doesn’t deal with any other aspect of your life but as it relates to health and balance and strength, the side effects of her training are of a long lasting impact. Not only will you develop new habits, but you’ll take care of yourself in a way you never thought possible. Nad’a makes it all different with her kindness and smiley face with strong determination to get you great shape. If you want to go, it should be her way..thanks Nad’a.


I have been attending Nada’s exercise lessons for two months. Having experienced many fitness programs, I find her coaching the most suitable for me. Nada prepares every single lesson based on my own physical conditions and needs. Her lessons are first-rated with focus on achievement and I really enjoy them.


I was introduced to Nadia Kostovalova through my Gym. She made my workout challenging and beneficial in a fun and pleasant way. She made me overcome my skepticism of having a personal trainer, my annoyance and procrastination of weight lifting. She also helped me with my swimming in the same way. It was a loss for my exercise program that she left. In short I will describe her as very dedicated, knowledgeable and pleasant.


As an athlete and coach with experience in gymnastics, basketball and triathlons, I was skeptical that a trainer could teach me much that I did not already know. Nadia Kostoval proved to me that a knowledgable, experienced trainer can make a world of difference, even to the most experienced athlete. She puts her extraordinary skills to work in a very personalized program for maximum results, helping you to reach your goals no matter how large or how small. Nadia taught me precisely how to use conditioning to finish the biggest challenge of my athletic life: an Ironman triathlon.


I worked closely with Nadia during 2011. It is with great pleasure I submit this recommendation.
Nadia is a great trainer and a great person to work with. She is committed to helping her clients fulfill their physical training goal. Nadia understands the physiology and the psychology of personal training. During her training sessions, she never wastes a minute. She brings variety to every training class. She targets all the muscle groups in the body and never takes short cuts.
Nadia is very enthusiastic, energetic, hard working, and always on time. Goes above and beyond and explains the importance of good eating habits and taking vitamin supplements.
In summary, I thoroughly enjoyed working with Nadia, and highly recommend her for any position. She would be a great asset to any client.
I would be happy to speak further on her talents and how very much of a difference she made in my life. Please feel free to contact me for a personal recommendation.


Nadia has been working for several months with me as well as with my son, who is in an intensive sports program. She personalizes the workouts and we have both seen amazing results! We’re more fit, stronger, and I have managed to lose some unwanted kilos! The best part about working with Nadia is that she does not make it seem like work. She changes the workouts every week and there is not one moment to get bored. The time with her just flies by.


I worked with Nadia Kostoval as my personal trainer for several months in 2011. Nadia is a truly outstanding personal trainer. She was thoroughly familiar with appropriate exercises and the proper form for their execution. Nadia was patient, encouraging, and even inspiring. She made you want to show up and work hard. I looked forward to every one of my workouts with Nadia and made significant progress under her tutelage I would recommend Nadia Kostoval as as a personal trainer in the strongest possible terms.


To whom it may concern, Nadia Kostovalova was employed with Bally Total Fitness from 3/1/2011 to 10/25/2011 as a personal trainer. she was one of the most reliable, responsable, and most intelligent trainers I had. when she was not training she was always on the floor tal king to members. I always got positive feed back from her clientsand also members she would work with atleast once. Anytime I ask her to organize the gym, or work with the new hire trainers she never hesitated to do so. Nadia will be missed here at Bally’s by all the members and her colleagues. she will be an amazing trainer where ever she goes. I recomend her highly as a person and as an employee.


I was lucky enough to have Nad’a as mentor during my personal training studies.  Her guidance has been invaluable and I continue to learn from her as I grow in this field.  Nad’a is an excellent trainer with years of hands on experience.  She pays close attention to each client and makes sure that she tailors her sessions to each client’s specific needs and capabilities. Her professionalism and care for her clients shine through in each and every training session. I will look up to Nad’a as my mentor and friend for a long time to come.  I highly recommend her, for any age, fitness level and goal.